CrossFit Kettlebell WOD

Jordan Ellis Sep 12, 2023
2 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Sample Kettlebell CrossFit WOD
    1. "Kettlebell Krusher 150"

Sample Kettlebell CrossFit WOD

For those eager to experience the synergy of kettlebells within a CrossFit WOD, here's a sample workout to challenge both beginners and seasoned athletes:

"Kettlebell Krusher 150"

  • The Workout: complete the reps with as much set and rest as you need and go for time.

    • Turkish Get-Ups - 10 reps (5 reps each side)

    • Kettlebell Snatches - 20 reps (10 reps each side)

    • Kettlebell Cleans - 30 reps (15 reps each side)

    • Kettlebell Swings - 40 reps

    • Kettlebell Goblet Squats - 50 reps

    This WOD, "Kettlebell Krusher 150" offers a comprehensive workout that targets various muscle groups, ensuring a balanced and effective session. As always, it's essential to adjust the weight of the kettlebell to match one's fitness level and ensure that proper form is maintained throughout.

Table of Contents
  1. Sample Kettlebell CrossFit WOD
    1. "Kettlebell Krusher 150"